DELL New PowerEdge R7715 2U ack Server - بيع خادم Dell/Xfusion/هواوي,من الصين.

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DELL New PowerEdge R7715 2U ack Server

Enhanced performance and value

Adaptable, فعال, and designed to support a wide range of applications. Multiple configuration options provide scalability and flexibility

  • تفاصيل المنتج

PowerEdge R7715

Versatility meets performance


Invest in a future-proof server for the data center that scales dynamically to push the limits of demanding applications, driving a faster return on investment.


Faster return when investing in the future of your business

The PowerEdge R7715 server is a single-socket optimized solution designed to deliver high performance, flexibility, and efficiency for a variety of applications. It is powered by 5th generation AMD EPYC™ processors and offers cutting-edge features that dynamically scale to push the upper limits of application performance


Next level compute in your data center

Our partnership with AMD allows us to provide customers with a powerful 2U server that can handle a variety of multi-core workloads.

  • The 5th generation AMD EPYC™ processor in the PowerEdge R7715 offers up to two-times better performance compared to previous generations
  • With dual OCP and DDR5 memory support, efficiently address I/O and richer storage needs in a single-socket design

New configuration options for targeted workloads

The PowerEdge R7715 offers great flexibility with multiple configuration options to suit diverse customer needs.

  • With support for up to 8 PCIe slots* in a generous 2U form factor, it can easily adapt to different workload requirements.
  • An ideal choice for businesses looking for a versatile server that can grow with their evolving

Efficiency plus greater rate of consolidation

Lower your total cost of ownership while reducing energy use and make the best use of existing data center space.

  • SmartCooling allows most configurations to be air-cooled.
  • Improved heat sinks for better thermal

الهندسة المعمارية المرنة عبر الإنترنت لبيئة صفر الثقة & العمليات

يتم دمج الأمان في كل مرحلة من مراحل دورة حياة PowerEdge, including protected supply chain and factory- to-site integrity assurance. The Silicon-based root of trust anchors end-to-end boot resilience while Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and role-based access controls safeguard trusted operations.

زيادة الكفاءة وتسريع العمليات مع التعاون المستقل

The Dell OpenManage systems management portfolio tames the complexity of managing and securing IT infrastructure. Using Dell Technologies’ intuitive end-to-end tools you can build a secure, integrated experience by reducing process and information silos and focus on growing the business. The Dell OpenManage portfolio is the key to your innovation engine, unlocking the tools and automation that help you scale, manage, and protect your technology environment.


من المواد المعاد تدويرها في منتجاتنا والتعبئة والتغليف, إلى مدروس, خيارات مبتكرة لكفاءة الطاقة, تم تصميم محفظة PowerEdge لصنعها, يسلم, وإعادة تدوير المنتجات للمساعدة في تقليل بصمة الكربون وخفض تكاليف التشغيل الخاصة بك. We even make it easy to retire legacy systems responsibly with Dell Technologies.


استراحة أسهل مع خدمات Dell Technologies

Maximize your PowerEdge Servers with comprehensive services designed to meet you wherever you are. Accelerate time to value in achieving high AI use cases with Professional Services for AI, choose from tailored deployment options with the ProDeploy Suite, receive proactive and predictive support with our ProSupport Suite, and so much more with our services available across 170 locations and backed by our 60K+ employees and partners.


*Expected to be available in the first half of 2025. Planned Offerings are subject to change and may not be released as originally designed.


ميزة المواصفات الفنية
المعالج One 5th Generation AMD EPYC 9005 Series processor with up to 160 cores per processor*
ذاكرة • 24 فتحات DDR5 DIMM, يدعم rdimm 6 TB max*, يسرع حتى 5200 جبل/ق

• يدعم Dimms المسجلة ECC DDR5 فقط

وحدات التحكم في التخزين • وحدات التحكم الداخلية (غارة): PERC H365i*, H965i, H975i*

• التمهيد الداخلي: نظام التخزين المحسّن المحسّن (BOSS-N1 DC-MHS)

• External HBAs (غير خادع): N/A

محرك الخلجان الخلجان الأمامية:

• 2 x U.2*

• 12 x 3.5-inch SAS/SATA*

• 8 x 2.5 Universal* / 16 x 2.5-inch SAS/SATA / 24 x 2.5-inch SAS/SATA*

• 16 x 2.5-inchSAS/SATA SSD + 8 x U.2 NVMe drives

• 8 x EDSFF E3.S* / 16 x EDSFF E3.S / 32 x EDSFF E3.S* / 40 x EDSFF E3.S*

Power Supplies* • Platinum 800W*, 1100W*

• Titanium: 800W*, 1100W*, 1500دبليو, 1500W 277Vac & HVDC*, 1800W*, 2400W*, 3200W*, 3200W 277Vac & HVDC*

• Telco: 1400W -48VDC*

Cooling Options* Air cooling, Direct Liquid Cooling (DLC)*
المشجعين • Up to six hot plug fans
أبعاد • ارتفاع - 86.8 مم (3.41 بوصات)

• عرض - 482.0 مم (18.97 بوصات)

• العمق - 802.4 مم (31.59 بوصات) مع الإطار

801.51 مم (31.55 بوصات) بدون إطار

عامل الشكل 2يو رف الخادم
الإدارة المدمجة • iDRAC 10

• Idrac Direct

• IDRAC RESTFLE API مع سمكة حمراء

• Racadm CLI

مدي Optional metal bezel
OpenManage Consoles • OpenManage Enterprise (OME)

• OME Power Manager

• OME Services

• OME Update Manager

• OME APEX AIOps Observability

• OME Integration for VMware vCenter (with VMware Aria Operations)

• OpenManage Integration لمركز Microsoft System

• OpenManage Integration for Windows Admin Center

التنقل N/A
Tools IPMI
تكامل OpenManage • RedHat Ansible Collections

• مقدمي الخدمات

Change Management • Dell Repository Manager

• Dell System Update

• Enterprise Catalogs

• Server Update Utility (SUU)*

حماية • البرامج الثابتة الموقعة بشكل تشفير

• البيانات في تشفير الراحة (SEDs مع مفتاح MGMT المحلي أو الخارجي)

• حذاء آمن

• التحقق من المكون المضمون (فحص سلامة الأجهزة)

• محو آمن

• جذر الثقة السيليكون

• قفل النظام

• TPM 2.0 فايبس, CC-TCG معتمد

• Chassis Intrusion Detection

خيارات GPU Up to 3x 400W* DW; Up to 6x 75W SW*
الموانئ الموانئ الأمامية

• 1 x USB 2.0 Type-A (optional LCP KVM)

• 1 x USB 2.0 Type-C (HOST/BMC Direct)

• 1 x Mini DisplayPort (optional LCP KVM)

المنافذ الخلفية

• 1 x 1 Gb Dedicated BMC Ethernet port

• 2 x USB 3.1 Type-A

• 1 x VGA

Internal Port

• 1 x USB 3.1 Type-A


ميزة المواصفات الفنية
PCIe Up to eight PCIe slots* (x16 connectors)

• فتحة 1: 1 x16 Gen5 Full Height*

• فتحة 2: 1 x16 Gen5 Full Height* or 1 x16 Dual Width Full Length*

• فتحة 3: 1 x16 Gen5 Full Height* or Low Profile*

• فتحة 4: 1 x16 Gen5 Full Height* or 1 x16 Dual Width Full Length* or 1 x16 OCP3.0

• فتحة 5: 1 x16 Gen5 Full Height*

• فتحة 7: 1 x16 Gen5 Full Height or 1 x16 Dual Width Full Length*

• فتحة 8: 1 x16 Gen5 Full Height*

• فتحة 9: 1 x16 Gen5 Full Height or Low Profile*

Gen5 PCIe slots: يصل إلى 8*
OCP network options 2 x OCP NIC 3.0 card (خياري) and 1GbE*, 10GbE*, 25GbE, 100GbE and 400GbE*

• فتحة 4: 1 x16 Gen5 OCP3.0

• فتحة 10: 1 x16 Gen5 OCP3.0

تضمنت نيك • 1 Gb dedicated BMC Ethernet port
PCIe Add-in Card (AIC) NIC • 100 GbE and 400GbE*; NDR VPI (400GbE)*; إف سي 32 / 64*
نظام التشغيل وفرط فيسور • Canonical Ubuntu Server LTS

• Microsoft Windows Server مع Hyper-V

• RedHat Enterprise Linux

• VMware ESXI

للمواصفات وتفاصيل التشغيل البيني, يرى

نسخة جاهزة OEM المتاحة من الإطار إلى السير إلى التعبئة والتغليف, يمكن أن تبدو الخوادم الخاصة بك وتشعر كما لو كانت مصممة وصنعتها من قبلك. لمزيد من المعلومات, يزور



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