هواوي أوشنستور 2600 تخزين فلاش هجين V5 الذكي - بيع خادم Dell/Xfusion/هواوي,من الصين.

بريد إلكتروني: admin@sell-server.com

هواوي التخزين/

هواوي أوشنستور 2600 تخزين فلاش هجين V5 الذكي

It is equipped with a premium hardware platform that runs powerful convergence capabilities and intelligent management software. The storage system offers outstanding functionality, efficiency, reliability, and O&م, and provides efficient, flexible backup and disaster recovery solutions for excellent business continuity and data security.

  • تفاصيل المنتج
نموذج أوشنستور 2600 V5
المعالج Multi-core processors
System cache 32 GB to 512 غيغابايت
Maximum number of controllers 8
Supported storage protocols Fibre Channel, iSCSI, NFS, CIFS, HTTP, and FTP
Front-end ports 8, 16, أو 32 Gbit/s FC and 1, 10, أو 25 Gbit/s Ethernet
Back-end ports ساس 3.0
Maximum number of hot-swappable I/O modules (لكل وحدة تحكم) 2
أقصى عدد من الأقراص (dual controllers) 500
Disk types SSD, ساس, و NL-SAS
Supported RAID غارة 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, و 50
Data protection software
  • HyperSnap (snapshot)
  • HyperClone (clone)
  • HyperCopy (copy)
  • HyperMirror (volume mirror)
  • HyperMetro (active-active arrays)
  • HyperReplication (remote replication)
  • HyperLock (WORM)
  • HyperVault (all-in-one backup)
  • SmartEncryption (data encryption)
Mission-critical business protection
  • SmartQoS (intelligent service quality control)
  • SmartPartition (intelligent cache partitioning)
  • SmartCache (intelligent SSD caching)
Resource efficiency improvement software
  • SmartMigration (intelligent LUN migration)
  • SmartVirtualization (intelligent heterogeneous virtualization)
  • SmartMulti-Tenant (intelligent multi-tenancy)
  • SmartQuota (quota management)
  • SmartDedupe (intelligent deduplication)
  • SmartCompression (intelligent compression)
  • SmartThin (intelligent thin provisioning)
  • SmartTier (intelligent data tiering)
  • SmartMotion (intelligent data motion)
  • SmartErase (intelligent data destruction)
Storage management software
  • UltraPath (host multipath)
  • BCManager (DR management)
  • DeviceManager (single-device management software)
  • eSight (centralized O&M management software)
  • eService (remote maintenance and management)



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بريد إلكتروني admin@sell-server.com

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